Paul Savramis, founder of the Rising Stars Youth Foundation, is pleased to announce that his friend, Ebony Young, is running for NYC District 26 Council member.
Ebony has lived in the Woodside Queens area for the last decade and has raised her daughters here. She has proudly served her community as a nonprofit leader and social responsibility executive throughout Long Island. According to Paul Savramis, Ebony Young has a long-running relationship with Rising Stars.
Paul Savramis says that Ebony Young was who he reached out to in the early days of his organization’s structure. Together, Savramis and Young forged a partnership with the Long Island city YMCA, where Ebony served as director. Her vision led to profound and lasting changes in the lives of the underserved children she chose to serve in those early days.
Paul Savramis explains that Ebony Young worked with Rising Stars as well as other community leaders to develop a tutoring program for Rising Stars participants. Those students already enrolled in the program saw dramatically improved grades and, thus, greater opportunities in high school and college.
Another important contribution that Ebony Young made to both Rising Stars family members as well as the general community is that she worked on programs that help parents and children engage with each other. Her passion for basketball and community service has always shone through in her actions. Because of her, Rising Stars was able to grow and form partnerships with other YMCAs as well as the Boys Club of America.
Paul Savramis wishes to congratulate Ebony Young for pursuing her passions to serve her community. He says that she is a true advocate for change and knows that she will uphold her campaign promise of focusing on problems 1% of the time and on solutions the remaining 99%.