Tuesday, December 19, 2023

December 10th 2023 Kicks Off Rising Stars Youth Foundation’s First Community Service Event At The New Rising Stars Athletic Facility In Freeport

Paul Savramis

Kudos to Rising Stars educational and community events director Mikaela Kelly in putting together another great event to help families in need. 
Rising Stars Founder Paul Savramis had nothing but praise for Mikaela and held her accomplishments in high esteem. According to Paul Savramis, "Mikaela stepped into some very big shoes to fill when Emily Ades left as our community programs director to head the new Kinnect Foundation.” Paul Savramis went on to note, "Emily created a footprint for us to follow. She was amazing in how she was able to engage family, academic needs, and a commitment to community. Rising Stars was Emily's signature program and although the new position she left for was an amazing opportunity, it was a huge loss for us. Luckily, Mikaela Kelly came in and lightning struck twice." 

Paul Savramis has nothing but praise for his new director and that praise is echoed by everyone that gets to know her including Rising Stars’ Executive Director Dan Gimpel, who was instrumental in hiring her. Said Gimpel," We wanted to make the first community event at the new Rising Stars Athletic Complex very special and thanks to Mikaela, it was!" 

Paul Savramis

"Mikaela helped make the sandwiches, and she delivered them to all of the homes where they had to go. I was blown away. Community service is a prerequisite for being a scholar-athlete in Rising Stars" explained Paul Savramis, “but everyone in our programs comes together when an event is announced.” 
Mikaela added, “I find it means as much to our families to give back as it does to the charities we give to. I know it meant a great deal to my own family as my mom, my dad, and my three siblings all jumped in."  
Future events will include other feed-the-children initiatives, a day at Ronald McDonald’s, meals on wheels and a very special day at the Viscardi Center for disabled children, Paul Savramis explained. 
Mikaela's efforts have been rewarded by seeing her recent work nominated for the 2023 L.I. Holiday Sports Heroes Challenge! This unique challenge highlights the outstanding community service initiatives led by young athletes in Long Island. “We are proud to see Mikaela's accomplishments recognized,” concluded a very excited Paul Savramis, who also stated that community service and helping each other in times of need is its own reward. 
Paul Savramis further says that “Rising Stars thanks Mikaela for being part of the community and for supporting our commitment to making a positive impact.”